GUIDE On Search Engine Optimization Keyword Research

Search Engine Optimization Keyword ResearchSearch Engine Optimization is the technique you must know in 2024. This can create a great job scope whether it is online or offline. If you understand the basics of search engine optimization then you can work as a search optimization agency, search engine optimization expert, and search engine optimization specialist. So better read this complete article.

Search Engine Optimization Keyword Research – Ultimate Guide 2024

Search Engine Optimization in a website is very crucial if you are a blogger. If you publish any kind of content on the internet, then you should understand Search Engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization and Keyword Research is the most important thing in 2024 for the digital presence of any of your content. Here is a guide on how you can do this easily.

Website Search Engine Optimization

The main of any blogger is to get organic traffic and monetize it with ad networks like Google Adsense or Media Dot Net.

Also, they make money from Affiliate Marketing like Amazon.

 Amit Agrawal, an Indian Blogger makes about $60,000 per month. Similarly, Harsh Agrawal makes more than $50,000 per month from blogging. 

All these incomes are possible when you get genuine organic traffic to your blog or website.
So, Search Engine Optimising is an important part of bloggers or any business owners.

Your website is your asset nowadays Like Shares, Land, Property, Gold, etc. The website helps you make money in different ways. But, here, you have to get visitors to your website to make money. For this, you need to search engine optimization of your website. If you can write a blog post on your website, then it can get you traffic and make more money from Google Adsense, Affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and more.

Let me begin with how you should write an article.

1. Niche

Finding a proper niche is very important before writing an article.

Also, if you are targeting a micro-niche blog, you should purchase the domain as per your niche.

You can choose a micro-niche along with the products. Such products are being sold on websites like Amazon, Flipkart, etc.,

Search Engine Optimization Techniques
Search Engine Optimization Techniques

They can have affiliate options. You can now monetize your website with both Google AdSense and Amazon as well.

Niche-oriented websites can make more money either from Google AdSense or Affiliate Marketing.

As they have a similar audience, they get similar company ads on their sites.

You should have the keyword on your domain for your micro-niche blog.

The unique contents on the micro-niche blog tend to rank higher as per the new update on the Google Search Algorithm.

Search Engine Optimization Techniques pin
Search Engine Optimization Techniques pin

2. Keyword Research

Keyword Research is necessary to get visitors to your site. Keyword Research is the foremost basic thing. You should do Keyword research at first that will directly help you in Search Engine Optimization. The aim of search engine optimization is to rank your content on search engines and get traffic. These organic traffic has potential to convert as customer and reader of your blog and later can sell your product or service to them.

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You should always write the contents that people are searching for. This way you are Search Engine Optimising from the beginning.

Focus on the user intent while writing the article. The best free tool for Keyword research is Agency Dashboard Keyword Tool, Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest.

Type in your keyword, choose the country, and download the keywords.
It is said to use Long Tail Keywords.

But, the competition on Long Tail Keywords has increased rapidly.

Before 2019, it was easy to rank using Long Tail Keywords, but it is not easy now.

You can find out so many keywords that have search volume but no authority website ranking.

I like the competitor’s analysis tool of Ubersuggest by Neil Patel.

You can type in the URL of your niche website and find out the keywords, it is ranking for.
It shows complete keywords, monthly searches, Search Difficulty, etc.

Just download the keyword lists.

You can download it and open it with Excel.

Now sort the list as per the length of keywords.

Then, you should try searching these Long Tail Keywords with double quotes (“Long Tail Keyword”).

If you get a few results then you can work on these keywords.

Also, look into the websites of the search result.

If you do not see any authority website, then you can work.

If you see social media, forums, etc. then you can work.

The purpose of visiting your blog by any visitors has to be fulfilled. This increases CTR.

Ultimately, the authority of your website increases.

It builds trust with an audience. They come to your site again typing your domain name on the Search Bar.

Keyword Research Template Excel

Keyword Research can be a huge task for you but here I have created a Keyword Research Template Excel File which you can use to do keyword research for your blog. Also, you can modify it and make it more useful for you.

3. Writing an Article for the blog post

Writing a good blog post helps you to rank on the search engine. You should set the main keyword for your article.

The main keyword should be included in the title, URL, and Meta Description of your article.

Along with this, you should add this keyword in the ALT Tags of the image in your article.
Furthermore, adding the related keyword in the subheadings and the body of the content is required.

Remember to add effects like Bold, Italics, Underline, Font colors, etc. on your keywords. This helps Google Bots to understand the article and which keywords to index for this post.
Also, always add a video to your article. It fulfills the requirement of the visitor.

Even if your article missed something, then visitors can get the required information from the video.

Also, try adding the Question and Answers section to your blog post.

Include the queries related to your article and answer them exactly to the point.

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4. Adding Links

Linking your articles with external and internal links is necessary. After writing a complete article, always find trusted and high-authority websites to link out.

Many people have the misconception that giving external links can affect their blogs.
But, the reality is that it affects but in a nice way.

If you link out to the authority websites, then you also become a genuine content creator. The visitors trust you.

It increases the credibility of your website.

Similarly, adding internal links will engage your audience. It is a juice for your content and is Search Engine Optimization for your blog.

5. Infographics

Infographics are informative graphical contexts. They are eye-catching and easy to read. Such contents tend to rank higher.

Research says that 90% of information is transferred through visuals to the brain. Infographics are likely to read 30 times more than text.

Also, it has a high user engagement. It has high potential to gain social shares.

6. Publish

Now, publish the article on your blog post after passing the checklist.

  1. Catchy Title with Main KeywordMeta Description
  2. Clean URL with targeted Keyword
  3. Organize content with headings
  4. Break Long Paragraphs into short
  5. Use simple and easy language to understand
  6. Add featured image
  7. Add target keyword on ALT Tags, caption, and description of the image
  8. Add Trusted high-authority external links
  9. Add Internal Links
  10. Check the Links added to your article whether it is broken
  11. Proofreading and correcting the grammatical errors
  12. Add Tags and Categories

7. Submit to Webmaster – Blog SEO

Google and Bing are popular Search Engines. You should submit your website to both of them. If possible you can submit your website to multiple search engines as well.

Webmaster Tools For Google

There is a webmaster tool for google. People also say google webmaster tolls. It is known as Google Search Console. Before 2019, it used to be called Google Webmaster Tool.

To submit your website on Google Webmaster, you need to sign up for the Google Search Console.

If you have Google Account, then it is a few clicks.

You can easily add your website to google webmaster.

Similarly, add your website to Bing webmaster.

It is also possible to verify your website on Bing Webmaster with Google Account.

After verifying and submitting your website on the search engines, you should also submit a sitemap of your website.

The sitemap has all links to your website.

So, the bots of search engines can easily crawl and index your site from the sitemap.

Also, you should add the code from Google Analytics. It gives detailed information on the visitors to your website.

You can see the real-time traffic to your site. Also, find out the keywords through which visitors are reaching your blog.

Furthermore, the device they use, the page they visit, their age, country, etc. You can use these days to target the audience and write future articles.

Google Page Speed Insights

Similarly, another important factor for SEO is page speed. You can check the page speed of your website and analyze the site from the official Google Page Speed Insights.

Research says that the page should not take more than 3 seconds to load.

If the page speed of your website is even 10 Seconds then the bounce rate is expected to be more than 123%.

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Also, there is another tool Gtmetrix. It helps you to get speed page insight into your website. So, you need to reduce the page loading time and bring it to less than 3 seconds.

You can try using Cloudflare CDN, Powerful Hosting, Removing unnecessary Scripts, Minifying CSS and Javascript, Reducing the size of images, etc.

Search Engine Optimization benefits for business

Search engine optimization is the key skill when you have a small business. SEO can save thousands of dollars and instead, it can help you make thousands and millions of dollars.

  • Reach targeted audience
  • Enhance business credibility
  • Free advertisement and promotion of business
  • Get related data and can improve your business

Should I use Google Adsense or Amazon Affiliate?

You can use both ways to monetize your blog.

If you have huge search traffic you can use it as per the requirement.

Sometimes, you may have chosen a niche that has a very low CPC.

In that situation, if you have a buying audience, you can use amazon affiliates only.

This way your audience will not be disturbed by the ads. The conversion rate will be high for your amazon sales.

In some cases, you write a specific problem-solving article.

Let’s take an example, you wrote an article about Unlimited SSD Hosting Under $100. In this case, you have very limited traffic to your site.

But, the number of traffic you get from this article is genuine people. They really want to purchase hosting.

So, if you are writing genuine information and using the hosting affiliate, then you can make more money.

This way solving a genuine problem can make you more money from less traffic.

People are also searching for

  • best search engine optimization services
  • search engine optimization specialist
  • search engine optimizer services
  • search engine optimization consultants

Search Engine Optimization Keywords Examples

Some users are found difficult the use keywords. Keywords in any blog, website, or article are necessary for SEO optimization. If you found a keyword as “Make Money From Google” and want to get a rank on the keyword, then you can write an article entitled “Make Money From Google” in the title of the article.

Also use the keyword in headings, subheadings, and ALT tags of Images, integrate the related video and use the keyword in the meta tags and description. Also, use the keyword in the URL of your article.

This is the simple, quick, and easy search engine optimization keywords examples.

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization is a way to get traffic to your web or any online content from search engines like google, bing, etc.

What is the checklist for search engine optimization of your blog or website?

Keyword Research
Writing article
Adding Links
Submit Article to Search Engines

What are the search engine optimization benefits for businesses?

Reach targeted audience
Enhance business credibility
Free advertisement and promotion of business
Get related data and can improve your business

How To Do Search Engine Optimization For My Website?

You can follow the guidance from this article. However, the selection of keywords and their placement can help you to do search engine optimization for your website.

How To Make Search Engine Optimization Work For Your Website?

Search Engine Optimization can work for you when you get organic targeted traffic to your website. You can make money from your website using Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, or selling your website when you have organic traffic.


This Search Engine Optimization Keyword Research guide can easily help you to rank your articles on search engines like google, bing, yahoo, etc. and get organic traffic to your website.

But, remember, Search Engine Optimising – SEO is not the quick way to rank your article on search engines. It takes time and depends on the quality of the SEO you have done.

Also the keywords you have focused also depend on the ranking of your article.

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