Blogging is a very popular media in this age of technology. It helps you to create your personal branding. Also, you can make money from blogging as well.
Read this complete article to understand blogging and start blogging right now.
What Does Blogging Mean?
Basically, blogging means to write blogs regularly on the internet. These blogs are sorted on descending order.
You write daily things on the internet and publish it. People can visit your blog and read it. They can react to your blog and also write comments on it.
When a person writes a blog then he is a blogger.
Is Blogging paid or Free?
Blogging is available for both paid and free. You can start free blogging in multiple platforms.
When you create free blogs, then you get a subdomain. If you are learning to blog, then you can use free blogging. But, if you want personal branding, affiliate marketing or make money from Google AdSense, then you must use paid blogging.
WordPress and Blogger are the most popular platform for blogging.
How to Start Blogging?
Starting blogging means to be live on the internet. You have blogs written on any topics and it is available on the internet. The content has to be available anytime.
So, to start blogging you must have a custom domain and web hosting.
You need to purchase it.
There are so many companies that provide the same service at different prices. So, you can choose your own.
Once, you purchase a custom domain and suitable hosting, you are ready to start a blog.
You can use this custom domain in blogger. This is also recommended for beginner purposes only. For professional blogging and long-lasting blog that gives output, WordPress blogging is recommended.
Since you now have custom domain and hosting, you can start blogging on WordPress.
How to Start Blogging on WordPress?
Login to the Cpanel of your hosting account. From the software installer, you can easily install WordPress on your blog.
Now, you can log in to your hosting panel and install WordPress.
You can follow the step by step guide from this video to install WordPress on your blog.
That’s it. Once your WordPress is installed on your hosting, you can now write blogs on your blog.
Now, start writing an article and monetize it.