#1 [BEST] Medical Application For School

2 Min Read

Medical Application For School is required when the student, teacher or any staff of the school has to take the medical leave from the school.

In this article, I will show you how you can write a medical application for school.

Medical Application For School

Basically, students write medical applications for school to get sick leave when they need to take rest as they are facing health issues.

Here is a sample of how students can write a medical application for school.

Firstly, let’s see what are the things you must consider on the application.

  • Full Name
  • Grade/Class
  • Roll No
  • Student ID
  • School Name
  • Salutation
                                                                                                     Date: 1 February 2020
The Principal Sir,
Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute
Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject: Application For Leave

Respected Sir,

I am Mr. John From Grade X. I am feeling unwell for few days. So, I visited doctor who has said me to take rest for 4 days and prescribed some medicine.

So, I request you to grant me the leave for 4 days starting from today.

Your Sincerely
Mr. John
Grade X
Roll No

Any student can use the sample above to write a medical application for school.

Medical Application For School By Parents

Yes. Parents also have to write applications to the school when their children get sick. Do not worry, here is how you can write an application for your son/daughter.

                                                                Date: 1 February 2020                                                                                                                                                           
The Principal Sir,
Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute
Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject: Application For Leave

Respected Sir,

I am Mr. Erick. I am father of John who studies in Grade X. His roll number is 10. From few days he is not well. The doctor has said to take rest for a week.

So, I request you to grant him the leave for 7 days starting from today.

Your Sincerely
Mr. Erick
Contact: +977-9876543210

Medical Application For School Format

Furthermore, you can use multiple formats for the medical application.

medical application for school leave - www.GoNewsOn.com

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